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About Me


"Don't be offended this is all my opinion

Ain't nothing that I'm saying law

This is a true confession

Of a life learned lesson

I was sent here to share with ya'll"



             - India Arie



I remember sitting on the ground in my bedroom crying. Praying, pleading with God for guidance and clarity. Lost, confused and desperate for answers, I decided that a weekend long meditation retreat would do me some good. It was there that I began to experience a number of synchronicities and unexplainable events that led me down the path to some of the most mind-blowing and transformative experiences of my life.


So now I thought I had it all figured out. What I did not know at the time is that no matter how many readings you get or how much knowledge you gain along the way, WITHOUT THE NECESSARY HEALING NONE OF THIS WORKS. So as my journey began, the Universe presented a number of difficult situations that I needed to work through before I could fully stand in my power, forcing me to face head-on the shadows, created by unhealed emotional trauma, that I had avoided for so long. I realized looking back that it was all happening FOR me (not TO me) as I was being set on a beautiful journey of healing, self-love, renewal and spiritual mastery.


I asked myself now that I know what I know how I can be of service to those who are at the beginning of their own spiritual or healing journeys or find themselves without direction or inspiration. The answer is pretty simple and appropriate for anyone asking themselves this same question. By sharing your own story, experiences and lessons learned. Being the person you wish you had. Through my knowledge and application of Astrology, the Akashic Records, my training in Spiritual Coaching, psychic guidance and plain ole human connection, I am here to help you discover who you truly are, heal and start taking the steps towards manifesting your best life. I have personally used all of these modalities for self-discovery, healing and embodiment to connect back to my true self and now I would like to support you in connecting back to yours. 

© 2024 by Dayna Blackburn, Blueprint Inspired


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